About Us - DKMads - The Most Trusted Programmatic Partner in Myanmar

About Us

As technology advances up to date, we established DKMads Co., Ltd intended to help Entrepreneurs sell their products not just by advertising on social media platforms but also by advertising on many digital platforms. DKMads Co., Ltd was launched on July 18, 2019, as the very first local Programmatic Advertising Company. Within 3 years of our inception, we specialize in Programmatic Advertising for many clients and brands and we currently provide Social Media Advertising, Website and Mobile app development with like-minded employees.

    Lifestyle Myanmar
  • Lifestyle Myanmar - Lifestyle Myanmar was established in 2017 by our DKMads qualified team members. We provide information mainly about lifestyle and a variety of topics including features, Health & Beauty, Celebrities, investigative stories, etc relating to Myanmar which is balanced, timely, and accurate. We provide not only articles but also graphic series and video animation in Lifestyle Myanmar. We have been in the five years since the founding of Lifestyle Myanmar, It will bring a lot of knowledge to everyone in the country and they will benefit a lot.

  • Chit MayMay - We also established Chit MayMay in 2018 to share knowledge about how mothers should practice raising their children and how to raise them to improve the quality of life and health of their children. We provide information mainly about parenting and a variety of topics including features Child Nutrition, Parent Guide, Child Care, Pregnancy Health, Child Teaching, Child Entertainment, etc with video animation, graphic series and articles. Our main goal is to nurture the love between mother and child, and Chit Maymay is now a popular platform for mothers in our country.

  • A Tha Byar
  • Athabyar - We launched an Application called "Athabyar '' at the end of 2021. The main purpose of this app is to know the exact income and expenses of people in their daily life. This app shows a person's daily income and expenses including monthly and annual accounts. People normally know their income but do not keep track of their expenses and other costs. So you can easily review these expense records, and once you know what the costs are, you will be able to control your spending. This app helps a lot to manage cash between income and expenses. We launched this Athapyar App with a free version available to everyone.