Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising

As programmatic advertising becomes the widest market for the advertisers, their ad spending increases more than other digital platforms year by year. Our ads can reach any device that uses the internet because Publishers are connected by one of the Ads Exchanges above.The targeting section also includes more specific targeting features. In addition to the Third Party Audience, First Party Audience and Custom match Audience can also be targeted, so will be able to show specific advertisements to the right audience. Moreover, we use that Audience data to search similar audiences as target extensions through remarketing campaigns and the platform's Machine Learning. Viewability Metric, a measure of how well your ad is viewed, is available only on the Programmatic Platform, we can target the desired viewability rate. This is the strength of the programming platform. In programmatic advertising, Ad formats can also be used in a variety of formats to effectively advertise your product as needed.